Nine steps corporation architect & urban planning office
Planning survey for sustainable development in Ulaanbaatar city, the capital of Mongolia
The Ulaanbaatar city has the population of 1 million people at present, and the
increase in population in the metropolitan suburbs continues. Therefore, while
construction of the road and public infrastructure in a metropolitan area are needed, the illegal settlement by portable habitation of a nomad aggravates urban environmental problems such as a city area sprawl, environmental pollution and traffic congestion. This preliminary survey was carried out in order revise a city planning master plan (2001) and to define a future development city with construction of urban infrastructures in Ulaanbaatar city. Extraction of the problem on current development was defined, and planning process for following detailed studies were proposed as a result. Moreover, problems and subjects on urban planning of the country were defined on the aspects of land use, public facility and its administrative system. And the planned work based on this framework is done.