About 9steps

Registered Name Nine steps corporation
Address #205, 1-43-14, kamiikedai, Ohta-ku,Tokyo,145-0064, Japan
Telephone +81.3.3720.5488
Facsimile +81.3.3720.5488
Establishment December, 2005
Representative Kenichi HASHIMOTO
Capital 12,000,000 JPY
Registered License First class architect office(Tokyo, Japan No.51672)
Consulting engineer office( Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, Japan, KEN23 No.8579)

Nature of Business

  1. Urban and Regional Development
  2. Architectural Planning,Design,Supervision
  3. Environment , Landscape Planning
  4. Consulting Services
  5. Social Development
  6. Touristic Development
  7. Infrastructure Development
  8. Researchs
  9. Training Courses Assistance
  10. Translation and Interpretation
  11. Presentation Support Services

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